In the modern era, distance learning has become a key tool for improving education. Interactive classes are one of the most effective forms of remote learning that offer a meaningful and motivating learning experience. These classes allow students to interact directly with the teacher and with each other, enabling them to gain a better and deeper understanding of the material.

There are numerous studies that support the idea that practice is a vital part of the learning process. One of the best known studies is that of educational psychologist Jean Piaget, who found that children learn best through direct experience and active exploration of the world around them. According to Piaget, learning is not a passive process in which knowledge is transmitted from a teacher to a learner, but is an active and constructive process in which the learner constructs his or her own knowledge through experience.
First, interactive classes offer students a more immersive learning experience than a traditional classroom. This immersion in the material allows them to better understand the material and improve their ability to apply what they learn. The interaction among students also allows them to discuss and share ideas about the subject matter, giving them a broader scope of the subject matter.

Studies have also shown that practice helps improve information retention and long-term memory. For example, in a study published in the journal Psychological Science, it was found that students who participated in a memory game to learn vocabulary retained more words than students who simply studied the list of words.
In fact, practice is also important because it helps develop practical and problem-solving skills. A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who practiced problem-solving skills rather than simply listening to theoretical explanations were better able to apply the skills in real situations.

Thus, interactive classes also provide better communication between teacher and student. This allows teachers to better assist students with their questions and doubts. This is achieved with video technology, which allows teachers to see students directly, as well as listen to their questions and answer them immediately. This helps students to better understand the material and apply it better.
Something we could confirm through another interesting study, carried out by Professor Anders Ericsson, who has studied experts in different fields and found that deliberate and focused practice is the key to becoming an expert in any area. Ericsson found that experts spend hours practicing specific skills, which allows them to hone their techniques and develop their expertise.

Here is where educational simulations emerge as a valuable tool to enhance the hands-on learning experience. By allowing students to experience real-world situations in a controlled environment, educational simulations provide a platform to apply and test the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom. This is because simulations allow students to experience real-world situations, practice skills and apply knowledge in a scalable and customizable environment, and visualize abstract concepts for better understanding. As a result, educational simulations can help improve information retention, academic performance and student motivation in hands-on learning.
Finally, interactive classes that involve the use of simulations also help keep students motivated. This is because interactive classes provide a fun and stimulating environment that keeps them interested in the material. The learning experience is also much more fun, which helps them to enjoy the experience more.

In conclusion, it is clear that interactive classes are an important tool for distance learning. They offer a more immersive learning experience, better communication between teacher and student, and a motivating environment. Such classes help students to better understand the material and apply it better, enabling them to improve their academic performance.
In other words, practice is a vital part of the learning process because it allows students to actively experience and explore the world around them, develop practical and problem-solving skills, improve information retention and long-term memory, and build their own knowledge through direct experience. For this reason, it is important that educational simulations include realistic and challenging practices that allow students to apply and hone their skills in real situations, for example the dilemma of the commons, in order to understand the relevance of these concepts in their daily lives and in society in general.